Going with Coming Stephanie and Javier.JPG

GOING with Coming


GOING with Coming (2008)

GOING with Coming is both a play and a game, performed by The Relationship in 2010. GOING is a precise recreation of a work by the London group The Theatre of Mistakes from 1977, a work that was seminal for much of contemporary performance but little known in the US. It has a fugue-like structure. Coming, which is woven into GOING, returns to the improvisational base out of which GOING grew. In Coming, the structure is set, but content improvised depending on the first performer to enter.

GOING with Coming was performed at at Chashama, New York (2008); Dixon Place, New York (2009); PSi15, Zagreb (2009); Puerto Rico International Festival of Theatre (2009); and Movement Research Festival, New York (2010).